#CommunicationPlanningSeries№4- Wonders of the ASDAL applied

Charlize Cecille Carrera
2 min readJun 29, 2021


Analyzing what works for our family will always be our top priority to properly curate our strategies and design for our action and learning throughout our dream Family Vacation.

Module 2, Elaborate: Activity 1

1. Samantha accomplished the table well and connected elements to the techniques thoroughly.

2. Samantha and I chose different places for our family vacation. We also had a separate analysis of the area, applied different strategies to adapt to the environment, designed our holidays to fit our families’ wants and needs, and took action to learn what type of vacation we wanted. Comparing our tables, I also observed that we both tried to attain our goals by acknowledging and analyzing the environment of the place we wanted to travel. We also ensure that we follow the health protocols of that place and learn the basic etiquette, history, and culture of the place we are trying to get into.

3. Yes, we both connected the methods to the elements we think are right based on the module and our learnings. We tried to address our needs, achieve our goals, and strategize carefully before answering the table.

Module 2, Elaborate: Activity 2 — Samantha and I during our pair-sharing
Module 2, Elaborate: Activity 2 — Samantha and I during our pair-sharing



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